Full-time mother and new graduate
Did not own a practice
High student loans
Feared lack of autonomy
Feared having to work in a corporate environment
path to
She joined Elevate Dental Partners and became an entrepreneur.
“I graduated dental school in 2015. I took a job at a small practice in Ashville, Ohio as an associate. Elevate Dental Partners managed the practice, and in 2½ years, they helped me grow the practice.”
Dr. Megan now co-owns 2+ dental practices
and has equity of
$250K in first 3 years

Enjoys autonomy
$400K+ buyout potential—at any time
3 years away from practice being debt free
More security for family
“Elevate Dental Partners takes the worries out of management and allows me to be a dentist and a mother.”
“Working with this practice group has made ownership accessible and amenable. In my third year of practice, I am now a part-owner of 2 practices and continue to grow. Look forward to buying more in the future!”