Dentist in Clintonville, Ohio
Tired and worn out
Frustrated and stressed
Staff not engaged
Practice was 80% Medicaid
Path to
Dr. Rob was looking for reasons to not to be at work so he contacted Elevate Dental Partners to make a change.
“I sold one practice to Elevate Dental Partners with no broker. EDP allowed me to relieve stress and debt liability and also stay on as an investor in that practice. Due to those results, I joined my other practice into a management services agreement and increased monthly revenue!”
Dr. Rob’s practice grew
$12K a month
And revenues went up
↑ $142k with no additional days worked

Higher patient satisfaction
Staff fully onboard
Personal income way up
Rejuvenated about dentistry and his career
The biggest change was in his attitude—he’s now optimistic and excited about his work!
Dr. Rob wants to continue growing his practice and is doing the Entrepreneurship Model. He’s looking to be a part-owner in more practices and has even recommended Elevate Dental Partners to a friend.