Exit Strategy Selling Your Practice

Exit Strategy & Selling Your Practice

Within the dental industry, it’s no secret that it’s a growing field that is experiencing a boom. Along with that boom comes a change, this change includes consolidation, in main part because of outside capital. Whatever the case may be, those with a currently emerging practice or a growing group, it is very possible that you have already been approached by a larger organization or group looking to begin acquisition talks.

With that in mind: what exactly does a good acquisition offer look like, or how does one even begin the exit process? It is best to ask the professionals. In various webinars hosted by those that know the best strategies for fellow groups have a plethora of information.

What Will Be Covered?

Questions that are common within this transaction process include but are not limited to:

  • Determining the best offer
  • Terminology and mechanic associated with deals
  • Current industry multiples
  • Financial buyers vs. strategic buyers

Who Will Benefit?

  • Solo practice owners/managers/operators who are thinking about a possible exit.
  • Emerging group owners/managers/operators who are thinking about a possible exit or who are.
  • Anyone who wants to learn more about the current wave of dental practice consolidation and the impact it’s having on practice valuations.
  • Anyone who enjoys learning more about the dental industry and those who want an inside look at what is really going on within their industry.

This information is definitely something to think about for those in a very specific group within the dental industry. This particular transaction process can be daunting, even for the most experienced practice owner, and because of that, the information at hand is one that is of great benefit to anyone. If you’re looking for more or more extensive material on the matter, give us a call, and we would be more than happy to assist you.